Are Your Winter Blankets Secretly Toxic? Microplastics Are Silently Ruining Your Health!

Are Your Winter Blankets Secretly Toxic? Microplastics Are Silently Ruining Your Health!

It’s winter.

You’re inside all day.

You’re covered with clothes and blankets all day and night. Did you read all the labels? How sure are you that the textiles you’re touching all day and night are not harming you?

You're reading this covered in plastic. Sweating and absorbing it as we speak.

Don't believe me? Read the inside labelling of your clothes, does it say Polyester or Acrylic?

These shed microplastics, which are known to harm your health once they're absorbed.

If you’re not having regular sweat sessions, you’re probably absorb things like micro plastics into your skin.

The next best thing you can do is wash them off.

That's where Zeolite comes in.

The volcanic rock that has been proven to bind microplastic, banishing these toxic micro-particles that damage your health.

We collaborated with Doctor Anarchy, a Florida-based medic who dug down into the research to formulate this brand-new and exclusive Zeolite Tallow Soap!

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